Ecology and Sustainability

BIGGA employs an ecology and sustainability expert to assist all members and their golf clubs with environmental, ecological, woodland and grassland management reports. In the past we have undertaken course walks and member talks  or provide valuable advice and guidance on rare or protected species prior to golf course development.

BIGGA can often help with:

  • Undertaking presentations on ecology, environmental management and golf club member walk and talks
  • Developing woodland, ecological, grassland, wildflower and general flora/fauna management plans
  • Undertaking education afternoons with individual and/or groups of greenkeepers

 Our expert has visited more than 200 golf courses to offer assistance and guidance where environmental matters are concerned

Greenkeeping is challenging and rewarding in equal measure. It brings together the management of land, resources and customer expectations to present high quality playing surfaces on great golf courses that contribute to the protection of our natural and cultural heritage.

Greenkeepers make decisions that are significant to the sustainability performance of the industry, and to a large degree determine golf’s reputation as a responsible steward. Click Sustainable Golf for more information.

In a nutshell....

Environmental and ecology management reports

Ecology and enviromental management presentations

Golf club member walk and talks

Greenkeeper ecology education workshops

Ecology/environmental liaison to coordinate with outside groups on behalf of your golf club



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