Mental Health

Mental health

The personal wellbeing of BIGGA members is as important to us as their professional development.

That's why BIGGA is investing in opportunities for greenkeepers to support each other when times get tough.

Our continuing mission to improve working conditions for golf greenkeepers and sports turf professionals will create a healthier, more positive working environment. To support this goal, BIGGA is training a network of Mental Health First Aiders across the UK.

“The benefits of improved mental health are significant to individuals and businesses, including reducing absenteeism, creating genuinely good places to work and reducing staff turnover, along with promoting a positive employer reputation and mitigating potential employer liability. Good mental health in the workplace is good for business, employees and society!” – Mental health expert and Continue to Learn speaker, Graham Ramsey

Stories related to mental health

Mental Health First Aiders

BIGGA's Tracey Walker explains the Mental Health First Aider initiative


BIGGA members are invited to gain an internationally recognised Mental Health First Aid qualification, free of charge, as we seek to build a nationwide network of support for those working in the sports turf industry.

About the Mental Health First Aid initiative

The two-day workshop provides awareness, knowledge and skills that will help you recognise signs of people experiencing poor mental health.

The workshop gives you the confidence to start conversations that can help others through some of the challenges they may be facing. You will not become a mental health professional, but you will be able to advise about services that may help.

Training will be delivered via in-person workshops held regionally across the UK.

Register your interest

This form is only available for BIGGA members. Login to your account to access the form or contact BIGGA on  (0)1347 833800 for assistance.

Further information

Completing the training provides three-year certification and you’ll become part of the the Mental Health First Aid community in England. You will have access to resources, ongoing learning and 24/7 digital support through the MHFAider Support App. This app gives you the tools and knowledge to carry out your role effectively and confidently, in the workplace and beyond.

Workshop outcomes:

Recognise those that may be experiencing poor mental health and provide them with first-level support and early intervention

  • Encourage a person to identify and access sources of professional help and other supports 
  • Practise active listening and empathy 
  • Have a conversation with improved mental health literacy around language and stigma 
  • Discuss the MHFAider role in depth, including boundaries and confidentiality 
  • Practice self-care 
  • Know how to use the MHFAider Support App
  • Know how to access a dedicated text service provided by Shout and ongoing learning opportunities with MHFA England  

What you’ll receive on completion of the workshop:

  • A hard copy workbook to support your learning throughout the course 
  • A digital manual to refer to after completing the course 
  • A wallet-sized reference card with the Mental Health First Aid action plan 
  • A digital MHFAider certificate  
  • Access to the MHFAider Support App for three years 
  • Access to ongoing learning opportunities, resources and exclusive events 
  • Join the largest MHFAider community in England 

What costs are covered?

For members, BIGGA is covering the cost of the two-day workshop, including lunch. Travel and accommodation is not included.

About our provider

Graham Ramsey 120x.png
Graham Ramsey LLB (Hons), PGCE (QTS),


Graham delivers Mental Health First Aider training as an Instructor Member with MHFA England. Previous careers in teaching (SEN) and policing make his sessions unique, engaging and enjoyable. Freely sharing his own lived experience of work related stress, anxiety and depression. Born in Suffolk he lives in the North West with his wife, two children and dog.



MHFA England accreditations:

  • Mental Health First Aider
  • MHFA England Instructor Member

About Mental Health First Aid England

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) England is a social enterprise with a vision to improve the mental health of the nation. It is the largest provider of mental health first aid training in the UK and Europe, with over a decade’s experience of supporting businesses to create and sustain healthier workplaces.

MHFA England is a licensed provider of mental health first aid training from MHFA International. Based in Australia, MHFA International is a not-for-profit organisation that develops, delivers and evaluates accredited mental health training programmes.

Mental health first aid training came to England in 2007. The Department of Health: National Institute of Mental Health in England (NIMHE) launched the programme as part of a national approach to improve public mental health.


Mental health wellbeing videos

Paul MacCormack, The Mindful Super and course superintendent at Fox Meadows in Canada, has produced a series of exclusive videos for BIGGA members designed to offer ways of pausing during your busy working day to reflect on the world around you and stay grounded. 

Paul spoke at Continue to Learn 2023 and he can be found on Twitter at @mindfulsuper_


Resources available to BIGGA members

Resources related to mental health

Counselling Helpline

Call: 0333 000 2082

BIGGA offers a confidential, professional telephone counselling service that can help you proactively manage stress by providing immediate emotional support, advice and practical information. Specialists can help members deal with personal relationship problems, problems with colleagues in the workplace and other issues affecting their general wellbeing.

The helpline is available to all BIGGA members and their families.

Call 0333 000 2082 (Calls to 0333 phone number are the same as a call to 01 or 02 landline numbers. Most charges are between 1p through to 8p/minute. Depending on your mobile network, call charges may be higher on pay-as-you-go than on a pay-monthly contract).

HR Helpline

Call: 0845 646 1332
[email protected]

BIGGA and HR Services Scotland provide every greenkeeper member with access to free help and advice to make your workplace a more professional and positive environment.
Qualified professionals are on hand to assist BIGGA members with any HR problems that arise, with advice just a phone call away.

BIGGA Legal Advice Line

Call: 0808 181 9194
Quote ref: ARAG 513185

When you have a legal problem it can be a highly stressful time of your life. It may be difficult to know who you can talk to and the cost can be expensive. BIGGA members have access to a legal advice line that is provided by Law Express. All calls are handled by qualified solicitors who can give advice on:

  • Employment law
  • Family law
  • Property law
  • Consumers

This helpline service is available to BIGGA members and their immediate family as part of the Legal Assistance insurance package.

If you are asked to state the name of the broker or policy number, mention Policy No: 513185, Broker : ARAG. Please have your membership number to hand.


Other useful links:

BIGGA Benevolent Fund

Greenkeepers Mental Health Support Facebook Group  

Further reading:


Wellbeing apps

Downloadable from your app provider


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