Advertising with BIGGA

Advertising with BIGGA puts you at the forefront of our industry. Find all the information you need here to reach the decision making audience in turf and greenkeeping.  If you have questions, we'd love to hear from you.

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Lauren Frazer

Head of Commercial and Marketing

Contact Lauren

In her 7th year with BIGGA and a graduate from the ‘Women in Golf’ Leadership programme and ‘CMI Advanced Sales and Leadership’ programme, Lauren has a wealth of knowledge both of the industry and diverse routes to market available to companies. 

A regular at trade shows across the world, sees maintaining good relationships and supporting both existing and new clients as an important part of her role.  The go to person to discuss commercial opportunities to showcase your products, BIGGA partnerships, various sponsorship options throughout BIGGA and exhibiting at BTME.


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Gavin Rees

Commercial Manager

Contact Gavin

Joined BIGGA 3 years ago from outside the industry but a background in B2B client services helps facilitate partner and supporter agreements.

Always keeping abreast of the industry and seasonal factors, liaises regularly with companies to discuss the time-specific opportunities available to them.

Whether you are a long standing customer or it’s a first time enquiry, happy to talk you through all of the advertising options and the education supporter package.




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