Advanced Cylinder Mower Set-Up & Sharpening for Sports Turf & Greenkeeper

9:00AM - 4:00PM, 18 - 19 Jun 2024
This Lantra approved qualification is aimed at sports turf, ground staff, greenkeeping and lawn care professionals seeking to develop their skills and knowledge in professional mowing machinery set-up and basic skills in fault finding problems.
The course will be delivered in conjunction with  Cut Sharp at LCFC Sports Turf Academy, Seagrave, Leicestershire. 

The course includes learning about agronomical benefits of correct quality of cut set up, specifically: bottom-blade selection, the actual height of cut, shear point position, clip rate, forward speeds and understanding general mower set-up systems. Including practical skills in preparing and operating grinding equipment and setting up mowing equipment for high performance mowing.

This course is ideal for Level 2 and Level 3 Apprenticeship 2off the job training"
There are no entry requirements, however, it is recommended that learners have some prior experience in the basic use of groundscare and mowing equipment.

Duration is 12 hrs over two days:

18th and 19th June  2024 9am-4pm

Venue Address: LCFC Training Ground, Park Hill Lane, Seagrave, LE12 7NG.  United Kingdom. 
Course cost is £265.00(+VAT).  

Includes, training, learning resources, certification and food/refreshments. 

Certification: Lantra & LCFC Sports Turf Academy certificate of competence

Entries are on a first come, first served basis.  Booking forms must be submitted no later than Friday 09th May 2024h 2024. Confirmation of your received application will be automated.  Confirmation of your place on the course will be sent separately. 

For a course factsheet contact email: [email protected]


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